Happy Clients: Your Key to Growth
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About this event
Growth Thru Happy Clients
Mayo Clinic is one of the strongest brands nationally, even internationally. How did they achieve such prowess? Marketing is part of that formula, but before they broadcast their value widely, they focused on driving the best outcomes for their patients paired with the best bedside manner in the healthcare industry. The result is a brand that is backed by the best marketing asset of all: the consumer-patient.
As a law firm working hard to crack the marketing riddle, consider ways you can better serve your consumer-client. It starts with case work and great outcomes, but it also deserves equal parts bedside manner—engaging with your clients the way they want to be engaged.
We will unpack the consumer trends that must be understood to turn your clients into raving fans, willing to write 5-star reviews and provide direct referrals to their friends and family.

Other Events
Join us to learn about all the value of the CASEpeer - Case Status integration: powerful for every Personal Injury firm. In case you missed our event earlier this year, we will recap the overview of the partnership & the integration, providing a brief demo of both running together. But since our last installment we will also share exciting updates of the new integration enhancements as well as share the real world results of Mark Thomas Injury Lawyer.
CASEpeer, the #1 rated software for Personal Injury firms, partners with Case Status to reimagine client experience and engagement. This session covers the high level details, a sneak peek demo & gives you an easy path to get started.
Step into the future of client communications for firms using Smokeball or considering moving to Smokeball. In this webinar, you'll: Learn more about changing consumer trends (like the 5 hours a day they spend on their smartphones, the almost 100% of that time spent in apps of their favorite brands, and their number 1 complaint of their legal services team) See how your firm can take advantage of these changes. Leave with actionable takeaways you can use to boost client satisfaction and help reduce occurrences of the number one client question “What’s the status of my case?” Joining us for this event will be leadership from Smokeball & Case Status discussing the partnership at a high level. We will also explore a demo of the two solutions running together and some of the awesome use cases. Also, hear from Gibson Family Law, a law firm that was part of our integration testing. Hear first hand about the favorable impact and outcomes.